#hdsauspac #standarddressdiving #helmetdiving Want to learn helmet diving? The annual NAUI Standard Dress Course will be held in Portland over the weekend of 9 – 11 June 2018. This is a long weekend in some states. The rally for those already qualified will also be run at the same time. It will be run by our hosts and instructors at Professional Diving Services (PDS).
Last years course was booked out. This year, due to a decrease in instructors available, the number of students will be halved. The course is open to both HDS Aus-Pac members and non-members. Students need to be certified Open Water divers. Bookings for both the course and rally need to be made with Leslie Zelenc at PDS by 1st May.
Along with the helmet diving at the rally there will be diving in vintage gear, such as twin hose and vintage single hose regulators. The weekend is also a great social event. It unofficially kicks off on the Friday evening (note that’s the 8th) with drinks and nibbles at Professional Diving Services premises. From there the group will head out to a local venue for dinner.
The course and rally officially start on Saturday the 9th. On the evening of Saturday the 9th we will hold the main dinner at a local restaurant or pub. On Sunday night there is a BBQ at PDS. Many people also stay Monday night, giving us an extra night to socialise.
Book now with Leslie to avoid disappointment.